Thursday, June 25, 2009

Use Christian Marriage Counseling Before You Reach Your Wedding Date

As you plan your wedding date, consider using Christian marriage counseling before you and your partner take the vows. More than likely you will learn some things about marriage that could cause the union to last much longer.

Using Christian marriage counseling before you reach your wedding date can solidify an already strong bond. Usually, you can ask the minister who will perform the ceremony to do the counseling. In case you are going to use someone other than a minister to perform the wedding, you could call some local pastors and ask them to do the counseling.

What will the Christian counseling sessions be like? Most often a minister wants to have at least four or five, one-hour sessions with the bride and groom. If the pastor doesn’t know the couple, he will usually meet with the bride and groom alone for part of the first session. Then he will meet with both bride and groom from then on.

This private session gives each person a chance to point out what he/she considers his partner’s major strengths and weaknesses. It also allows for the minister to learn what goals and objectives the two of you have set individually.

In the first meeting the pastor usually discusses your spiritual and career goals for this union. Do you plan to attend church together or separate? He probably will advise that the two of you need to decide on a specific church or denomination so that you can attend together. Children tend to be less confused about religion if both mom and dad attend the same church.

One meeting will be devoted to raising children. Do you plan to have children? Do both of you want them? He may advise you to wait a few years before you start a family, but then again, he may not touch on the subject of when.

Another important part of one meeting will be the discussion of family finances. Does one of you owe money on credit cards or for a major purchase? How do you plan to alleviate the debt? Are you going to have separate bank accounts? If not when do you plan to make the accounts joint—before or after the wedding? Who will handle the finances in the home? Have you considered the amount of money you will be spending on the wedding and the reception?

If the minister is truly advising you in the right way, he will ask you in private if you have any misgivings about the marriage. Or he may simply ask, why do you want to be married? If you do have misgivings, now is the time to discuss them. Marriages should be made to last. Especially when children come along!

Why should you use Christian marriage counseling before you reach your wedding date? The men who do the counseling are generally professional, and they will show you the ins and outs, the ups and downs, the good and the bad of marriage. Maybe the big reason for using one could be that it will help solidify the union into which you are about to enter.

Howard has written several articles on relationships for Ezine Articles. If you need advice on how to start your marriage in the right direction and make it successful, you might check out The Magic of Making Up at Get your copy today.

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