Saturday, June 13, 2009

Some Survival Tactics to Get Over Him Dumping You

Although He dumped you, you need some survival tactics to get over him. Yes, it is true! Your life just changed. You may feel that no one in the whole world cares about you. Your friends can’t help. Someone who has experienced being dumped can tell you that you will survive.

Some of the following survival tactics to help you get over him after his dumping you can help. First of all, quit crying, powder your face and begin mixing. Your getting out of your apartment and socializing with friends will work wonders for you. Spending time with your friends shopping, dinning out or going to singles clubs will help get your mind of him dumping you.

Next thing you can do if you want him back, try to spend time with your friends where he and his friends will be. Now when you are around him, pay as little attention to him as possible. Actually, if one of his friends just happens to be there, spend your time with his friend. It will help if that friend is one your ex boyfriend doesn’t like a lot.

Show your dumping boyfriend that you can be fun. If there was something your ex didn’t like about you, show him you have changed by not displaying that characteristic to his friend. Be positive all the time he is present. Let your ex see that you have changed and can be a great date.

Then another thing you can do is date one of his friends. You can arrange the date through a mutual acquaintance. Before you go on the date, text your ex and ask him where he thinks you and his friend should go for an enjoyable evening on the town? If he cares anything at all about you, he will talk to his friend the next day to see about the date and what you did.

Now, on the date show your ex’s friend how much fun you can be. Try to get your date to take you places that you and your ex never attended. This shows your ex that you’ve changed. He could find out that he should never have dumped you.

When your boyfriend who dumped you finds out how much fun his friend had with you, don’t be surprised if he calls you and asks you out. At this time you must determine if you really want to go out with him. Maybe your experience with his friend taught you how much fun it is to play the field rather than be tied to someone all the time.

By following some of these simple survival tactics to get over him dumping you, you will learn much about yourself. You will find that your world may change and for the better. Or you could find yourself right back with the one who dumped you in the first place. Either way it’s a win-win situation for you.

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